
Retrieves all the text associated with a column of a List View common control with the Report View style.


cGetLVColText ( window-handle, column-number)


(i) window-handle Windows handle to a List View common control.

(i) column-number One based number of column to extract text from.


(s) list A tab delimited list of the text associated with column-number for each row of the list.


This function retrieves all the text associated with a column of a List View common control with the Report View style. A tab character is inserted between each row’s text from the column. If the control does not have the Report View style, the function behaves like cGetLVText when the second parameter is set to the number 1.

The class name for this control is "SysListView32".


32-bit Extender

This function is designed for Windows 32-bit application controls. It cannot be used on Windows 64-bit controls.

64-bit Extender

This function is designed for Windows 64-bit application controls. It cannot be used on Windows on 32-bit controls.



hwndParent = DllHwnd("Microsoft Control Spy -")
hwnd = cWndbyclass(hwndParent, "SysListView32")
wintext = cGetLvColText( hwnd, 1)     ;Get first column of SysListView32 text
Message('First column of SysListView32 text', wintext)

See Also:

cGetLVText, cSetLvItem, cClearLvItem, cDblClickItem, cWndByClass, cWndinfo