
Retrieves the date or date range of a Month Calendar control.


cGetCalDate (window-handle)


(i) window-handle Windows handle to a Month Calendar common control.


(s) list Date or date range in date-time format.


You can retrieve the date or date range of a Month Calendar control with this function. Month Calendar controls may or may not allow a date range to be specified. If the control you are retrieving allows the selection of a range of dates, the return string will be a tab-delimited list of the minimum and maximum dates. If the control does not allow range selection, the return string will contain a single date. In either case, the dates will be in the standard date-time format.

The class name for the Month Calendar control is "SysMonthCal32".


32-bit Extender

This function is designed for Windows 32-bit application controls. It cannot be used on Windows 64-bit controls.

64-bit Extender

This function is designed for Windows 64-bit application controls. It cannot be used on Windows on 32-bit controls.




; Get a handle hwndex = DllHwnd("Microsoft Control Spy") hwnd = cWndbyclass(hwndex,"CSPYContainer") hwnd = cWndbyclass(hwnd,"SysMonthCal32") ; Get the time set in the control. ctldates = cGetCalDate( hwnd ) If StrLen(ctldates)    ;Does this control have a range.    count =ItemCount(ctldates, @TAB)    If count == 2       ;Get each time       startdate = ItemExtract(1, ctldates, @TAB)       enddate = ItemExtract(2, ctldates, @TAB)       ; Are they the same date?       If TimeDiffDays(startdate, enddate) == 0          dates = startdate       Else          dates = "From ":startdate:" to ":enddate:"."       EndIf       Message("Control date range", dates)    Else       Message("Control date", startdate)    EndIf EndIf

See Also:

cSetCalDate, cWndByClass, cWndInfo, DLLhwnd (WIL help).