
The function returns the text that may be associated with each part of a Status Bar control. A tab character delimits each part’s text. If a part does not have text, a single tab character is placed in the appropriate position of the return list. If a Status Bar is in simple mode, only the text associated with that mode will be returned.


cGetSBText (window-handle)


(i) window-handle Windows handle to a status bar common control.


(s) list  Text for all parts of a status bar control
or the simple mode text.


The class name for this control is "msctls_statusbar32".


32-bit Extender

This function is designed for Windows 32-bit application controls. It cannot be used on Windows 64-bit controls.

64-bit Extender

This function is designed for Windows 64-bit application controls. It cannot be used on Windows on 32-bit controls.




; Find the Explorer status bar control hwnd = DllHwnd("Exploring") hwnd = cWndbyclass(hwnd, "msctls_statusbar32") ; Get the text for each part of the Status Bar control. sbtext = cGetSbText(hwnd) If StrLen( sbtext )    ; Display the text    sbtext = StrReplace(sbtext,@TAB, @CRLF)    Message("Status bar text", sbtext) Else    Message("Status bar text", "Failed to obtain text.") EndIf Exit

See Also:

cWndByClass, cWndInfo, DLLhwnd (WIL help).