
This function retrieves the IP address stored in an IP Address common control.




(i) window-handle Windows handle to an IP Address Controls.


(s) IP Address An Internet protocol (IP) format address.


The class name for this control is "SysIPAddress32".

Note: Several Windows system property sheets contain controls that look and behave like an IP Address control. However, these controls are not a common control and have different class names. This function does make an attempt to identify and extract an IP address from these pseudo controls.


32-bit Extender

This function is designed for Windows 32-bit application controls. It cannot be used on Windows 64-bit controls.

64-bit Extender

This function is designed for Windows 64-bit application controls. It cannot be used on Windows on 32-bit controls.




; Find Control Spy ip address window handle. hwnd = DllHwnd("Microsoft Control Spy -") ; Get the address. ipaddr = cGetIpAddr(hwnd) ; Get the window class name and display the new IP address. wintext = cWndinfo(hwnd, "2") If wintext == ""    wintext = "a Classless Window" EndIf Message("IP Address from ":wintext:".", "IP Address: ":ipaddr:".") Exit

See Also:

cSetIpAddr, cWndByClass, cWndInfo, DLLhwnd (WIL help).