IntControl 81


IntControl (81, p1, 0, 0, 0)


Sets seed for the Random() function.

This IntControl sets the seed value used in subsequent calls to Random().


p1 - specifies a seed value.


p1 value


-1 (Control Value)

Reseed the random number generator with a WIL generated seed value. The WIL generated seed value has various time based components and will change many times in one second.


 1 (Control Value)

Allow the run time library to select a seed. This may allow a predictable pattern to the generated numbers


Other positive numbers (Seed Value)

Use provided value for the seed. This will allow a predictable pattern to the generated numbers


Other negative numbers - Undefined results.

Undefined results.


Note:  Providing a fixed seed value in a program will result in a predictable pattern to the generated numbers.  This is often used for program debugging.

For normal programs, it is recommended that either the default WIL-generated seed value be used or that a provided seed value have a truly random or time-based component so that the pseudo-random numbers generated are more difficult to predict.


Returns 1.