IntControl 56


IntControl (56, p1, p2, p3, 0)


Terminate an application.


IntControl 56 has been superceded with the function TerminateApp.


This IntControl lets you terminate an application abruptly. Normally, you should use WinClose to close an application gracefully, but sometimes that may not be possible. Using this IntControl is a drastic, last-resort method of terminating an app.

Note: You will not receive any warning from the operating system before the application is closed, even if it contains unsaved work. Also, this function may leave the system in an unstable state. Use this function carefully.


p1 = partial windowname or application file name of the application you wish to terminate.


p2 = name type specified by p1:

0 window name 

1 module or file name (with optional path) 


p3 = "current-session-only" flag (applies only if p2 == 1). @TRUE, if the script is running in a Terminal Services environment, then the specified application will only match if it is running in the same session as the script. @FALSE or omitted - the specified application will match regardless of what session it is running in.


Returns @TRUE on success, @FALSE on failure.