IntControl 49


IntControl (49, p1, p2, 0, 0)


Adds system menus to WIL popup windows.

p1 specifies which popup windows will have system menus:

p1  Meaning

-1  Don't change (return current setting)

0  No system menus (default). 

1  Dialog boxes (created with "Dialog" or the WIL Dialog Editor). Note: If using dialog callback procedure use DialogProcOption code 1002 instead.

2  Item listboxes (e.g., created with"AskItemList", "AskFileText" or related functions).

3  Both Dialog boxes (1) and Item list boxes (2). 


p2 Meaning

specifies the value that a dialog box (created using the Dialog function) will return if the user closes the dialog without pressing one of the pushbuttons in the dialog (e.g., by pressing <Alt-F4>, or by clicking on the "Close" icon in the title bar). If a dialog returns 0, processing will be transferred to the label in the script marked ":Cancel" (if any).


IntControl 49 allows certain types of WIL popup windows to have system menus, (the drop down menu of minimize/maximize options accessed via the small icon or box to the left side of a windows title bar).

Returns previous setting for p1.