Window Information Utility



Window Information Utility is a handy
window name and position grabber


Window Information Utility can grab a window position settings from windows displayed on your monitor.


The Window Information Utility (see the Filename Appendix for filename) lets you take an open window that is sized and positioned the way you like it, and automatically create the proper WinPlace statement for you. It puts the text into the Clipboard, from which you can paste it into your WIL program.




Window Information Utility captures
coordinates in a 1000 by 1000 format that is
relative to the current screen size. Since WinBatch considers every screen to have a 1000 by 1000 size, your sizing will  always take up the same percentage of  the user’s screen. One eighth of a screen at  1024 by 768 screen  resolution is actually  much larger than the same eighth is at 640 by 480 pixels resolution.

Design your dialog boxes to be about 250 by 250 in size or larger. Then they will be prominent at all resolutions.



Window Information Utility captures relative screen coordinates. You'll need a mouse to use the Window Information Utility. While the Window Information Utility is the active window, place the mouse over the window you wish to create the WinPlace statement for, and press the spacebar. The new statement will be placed into the Clipboard. Then press the Esc key to close the Window Information Utility.