

WinBatch DLLs


A WinBatch utility needs at least one DLL to function: a WBD DLL.


For WinBatch to find and use this dll, it must be either in the directory holding the WinBatch utility, or on a DOS or network search path. It can be copied there manually, or automatically with the Large EXE—standalone option of the Compiler.


When a script is compiled with the Large EXE option, the necessary DLLs will be added to the executable utility. When it runs, these DLLs are extracted and saved in the directory where the WinBatch utility is run.


To decrease file sizes, the Compiler also has a Small EXE option.


Small WinBatch executables will need to find the WinBatch DLL. It can be in the current directory, or on the DOS path or search path. The easiest way to get it there is to create a simple WinBatch utility that uses all the DLLs, extenders, and so forth. Run this once in any directory on the DOS or network search path.

Once the DLLs are extracted, they can be copied anywhere they will be needed. A convenient place for them is often in the Windows directory since it is always on the search path.



Filename Appendix

File Name Summary

Names for the WinBatch DLLs