


The menu file names used by FileMenu are defined in the file Filemenu.ini, which is located in your WINBATCH\SYSTEM directory. A sample Filemenu.ini is provided. The menu files can be located anywhere on your path or in your FileMenu directory. Or, you can specify a full path in Filemenu.ini.

By default, the "all filetypes" menu is named "FileMenu for all filetypes" (the short filename will be something like; FILEME~1.MNW). This default can be changed by editing the "*CommonMenu=" line in the [FileMenu] section to point to a different menu file. If you do not wish to use the "all filetypes" menu file, specify a blank value to the right of the equals sign; i.e., "*CommonMenu= ".

To use a file-specific menu, add a line of the form "ext=menuname" to the [Menus] section, where "ext" is the extension of the file type, and "menuname" is the name of the menu file you wish to associate with that file type. For example, if you wish to add the contents of the menu file TXT.MNW to the context menus of .TXT files, add the line "txt=txt.mnw". To specify a menu file to associate with files that do not have an extension, use an extension of "."; for example ".=menufile".

Note: Extensions can be longer than three characters.

There is a limit on the number of menu items that can be added to a context menu. This limit seems to be 163 menu items, but it may vary from system to system and in different releases of Windows. FileMenu shares these resources with other menu extender programs you may have on a first-come, first-served basis. If the maximum available menu items is 163, and you have other menu extender programs installed that use a 10 menu items, your FileMenu menus (global + local) could contain no more than 153 menu items. Of course, FileMenu only loads one local menu at a time. If your global menu contained 100 items, each of your local menus could contain up to 53 items.

If you exceed the limit of available menu items, a menu extender program will not be able to add additional items. If FileMenu is unable to load one of its menus completely, it will display an error message.

Please refer to the Windows Interface Language Reference help file, Menu Files section, for information on menu file structure.




Menu Files

Using the "all filetypes" FileMenu

Creating/Modifying File-Specific Menus