Error Messages


10102, "10102: WinBatch - Unrecognized ParentProcess request code" 

10104, "10104: WinBatch: EnvironSet Var and/or Value too long" 

10105, "10105: WinBatch: EnvironSet - Failed. No space?" 

10106, "10106: WinBatch: EnvironGet - Failed. Name too long?" 

10107, "10107: WinBatch: EnvironGet - Failed. Value too long?" 

10108, "10108: Box functions: Box command stack full" 

10109, "10109: Box functions: Invalid box ID" 

10110, "10110: BoxButtonDraw: Invalid button ID" 

10111, "10111: BoxButtonDraw: Invalid 'rect' string" 

10112, "10112: BoxButtonStat: Invalid button ID" 

10113, "10113: BoxColor: Invalid color string" 

10114, "10114: BoxColor: Invalid 'wash' color" 

10115, "10115: BoxDrawRect: Invalid 'rect' string" 

10116, "10116: BoxDrawLine: Invalid 'rect' string" 

10117, "10117: BoxNew: Invalid 'rect' string" 

10118, "10118: BoxNew: Invalid 'style' flag" 

10119, "10119: BoxNew: Unable to create box" 

10120, "10120: BoxPen: Invalid color string" 

10121, "10121: BoxPen: Invalid pen width" 

10122, "10122: BoxTextColor: Invalid color string" 

10123, "10123: BoxTextFont: Invalid font size" 

10124, "10124: BoxTextFont: Invalid font style" 

10125, "10125: BoxTextFont: Invalid font family" 

10126, "10126: BoxDrawText: Invalid 'erase' flag" 

10127, "10127: BoxDrawText: Invalid 'alignment' flag" 

10128, "10128: BoxDrawText: Invalid 'rect' string" 

10129, "10129: BoxUpdates: Invalid 'update' flag" 

10130, "10130: BoxesUp: Invalid 'rect' string" 

10131, "10131: BoxesUp: Invalid 'show' mode" 

10132, "10132: BoxMapMode: Invalid map mode" 

10133, "10133: BoxDrawRect: Invalid style" 

10134, "10134: BoxDrawCircle: Invalid 'rect' string" 

10135, "10135: BoxDrawCircle: Invalid style" 

10136, "10136: BoxButtonDraw: Unable to create button" 

10137, "10137: BoxButtonKill: Invalid button ID" 

10138, "10138: BoxDataClear: Specified tag not found" 

10139, "10139: IntControl: Unrecognized Request" 

10140, "10140: BoxBitmap: Invalid 'stretch' mode"

10141, "10141: ExtractAttachedFile: Function supported only in compiled version"

10142, "10142: ExtractAttachedFile: Target file name must be specified"

10143, "10143: ExtractAttachedFile: Error finding or extracting specified file"

10144, "10144: ExtractAttachedFile: Invalid request"

10145, "10145: IntControl 1006: Unable to allocate or lock memory"