
Installs a WIL extender Dll.


AddExtender(filename [,version [,alternatefilename]]


(s) filename:  WIL extender Dll filename

(s) extender version: [optional] minimum required extender version number.

(s) alternate filename:  [optional] 64-bit WIL extender Dll filename. Note that 64-bit WinBatch still treats the first parameter as the file name of a 64-bit extender when no third parameter is present.


(s) filename WIL extender Dll filename.


(i) @TRUE if function succeeded. @FALSE if function failed.


WIL extender Dlls are special Dlls designed to extend the built-in function set of the WIL processor. These Dlls typically add functions not provided in the basic WIL set, such as network commands for particular networks (Novell, Windows for WorkGroups, LAN Manager and others), MAPI, TAPI, and other important Application Program Interface functions as may be defined by the various players in the computer industry from time to time. These Dlls may also include custom built function libraries either by the original authors, or by independent third party developers. (An Extender SDK is available). Custom extender Dlls may add nearly any sort of function to the WIL language, from the mundane network, math or database extensions, to items that can control fancy peripherals, including laboratory or manufacturing equipment.

Use this function to install extender Dlls as required. Up to 32 extender Dlls may be added. The total number of added items may not exceed 750 functions and constants. The AddExtender function must be executed before attempting to use any functions in the extender library. The AddExtender function should be only executed once in each WIL script that requires it.

The documentation for the functions added are supplied either in a separate help file that accompanies the extender Dll.


; Add vehicle radar processing dll controlling billboard visible to
; motorists, and link to enforcement computers.
; The WIL Extender SPEED.DLL adds functions to read a radar speed
; detector(GetRadarSpeed) , put a message on a billboard visible to
; the motorist (BillBoard), take a video of the vehicle (Camera), and
; send a message to alert enforcement personnel (Alert) that a
; motorist in violation along with a picture id number to help
; identify the offending vehicle and the speed which it was going.
BillBoard("Drive Safely")
While @TRUE
   ; Wait for next vehicle
   While GetRadarSpeed()<5 ; if low, then just radar noise
      Yield    ; wait a bit, then look again
   speed=GetRadarSpeed()  ; Something is moving out there
   If speed < 58
      BillBoard("Drive Safely") ; Not too fast.
      If speed < 63
         BillBoard("Watch your Speed") ; Hmmm a hot one
         If speed < 66
            BillBoard("Slow Down") ; Tooooo fast
            BillBoard("Violation Pull Over")
            pictnum = Camera() ; Take Video Snapshot
            Alert(pictnum, speed); Pull this one over
See Also:

DllCall (found in main WIL documentation)