
Returns information about a shared resource.


wntShareInfo(server-name, resource/share-name, share-type, request)


(s) server-name: name of a network file server or empty string ("") to indicate the current machine.

(s) resource/share-name: identifies the object to be modified.

(i) share-type: identifies the type of the 'resource' object.  0 = directory, 1 = printer, 2 = device, 3 = IPC shares and 2147483648 = special shares

(i) request: specifies the information to be returned.See below.


(s)/(i) a string or integer, depending on "request".


"request" specifies the information to be returned, and can be one of the following:

-1 (i) @TRUE if share exists, @FALSE if it doesn't.

0 (s) share name 

1 (s) resource (*)

2 (s) comment 

3 (s) location (*)

6 (i) share type 

8 (i) max users (*)

9 (i) current users (*)


Note: (*) Only members of the Administrators, Server Operators, or Power Users local group, or those with Print or Server Operator group membership, can successfully execute the this request.


; Load Appropriate Extender

comment = wntShareInfo("", "Share", 0, 2) Message("Comment for 'Share'", comment) Exit
See Also:

wntShareAdd, wntShareSet