
Adds or modifies a JSON key/value pair.


jsValueAdd ( container-handle , key-name, key-value, json-type [, key-delimiter] )


(s) container-handle: extender JSON container handle.

(s) key-name: name of an existing or new key including the full JSON path to the key. Can include JSON array indices.

(s) key-value: string representation of a value to associate with the key.

(i) value-type: a JSON data type indicating the type to convert key-value text to. See below

(s) key-delimiter: [optional] single character used between key names in any path included in the key-name parameter (defaults to a dot character(".")).


(i) 1 on success.


This function adds a key/value pair or array element to the passed in JSON container, one of its child containers, or array contained within the container or sub-container.. JsValueAdd can also be used to modify the value of an existing pair or index by placing an existing key name with optional index in the key-name parameter.



The unique identifier returned from a call to the jsParse, jsObjNew, jsValueGet functions, or by accessing WIL map element returned by the jsConMap function.



The name to associate with the value of a JSON key/value pair or an array index. The key name can be a new name or index to add a new key/value pair or index/value to the JSON container, or the name of an existing key/index to change the value of the existing item. The name must include JSON path information when adding an item to a child object and a bracketed index number when adding an element of an array. See the About JSON Paths topic for more information about the extender's JSON paths.





The value to associate with the key-name of the new or existing item. This parameter must either be a text string or a value that WIL can convert to a string. The extender converts the parameter to the JSON type indicated in the value-type parameter.

Note: a container handle cannot be added to itself. This means that the same handle to a JSON container cannot be used in both the Container-Handle parameter and the Key-value parameter in a single function call.



The  JSON type of the contents of the Key-Value parameter. The function performs a conversion of the text in the Key-Value parameter to the indicated type.  


  Possible Value-Type and Key-Value Parameter Contents


Value Type


Key-Value Parameter Contents

@JsonNull (1)

An empty value.

Ignored.  Set to an empty string ("")

@JsonBool (2)

An true or false value.

"true" or "false" text string, or any non-zero integer to indicate true and 0 to indicate false

@JsonNum (4)

A 32-bit integer, 64-bit integer, or floating point number.

Any WIL type that converts to a 32-bit integer, 64-bit integer, or floating point number

@JsonStr (8)

A text string.

A string or any WIL type that converts to a string

@JsonArr (16)

An array.

Ignored. Set to an empty string ("")

@JsonObj (32)

A JSON object represented by an extender JSON object handle.

JSON extender object handle



An optional parameter that must be a single character used between key names. The default value is a dot (".")). The space(' '), backslash('\'), single-quote("'"), double-quote('"'), dollar-sign("$"), left-bracket("["), right-bracket("]") and grave-accent("`") cannot be used as delimiters.   


  AddExtender('ilcjs44i.dll', 0, 'ilcjs64i.dll')
  ; Build the extender JSON data example from scratch.
  ; Good to start at the beginning
  Obj = jsConNew()
  jsValueAdd(Obj, 'pi', 3.121, @JsonNum)
  ; For @jsTypeBool third parameter can be 'true or 'false' or a
  ; number with zero meaning false and any other number meaning true.
  jsValueAdd(Obj, 'happy', 'true', @JsonBool)
  ; For @jsTypeNull third parameter is ignored.
  jsValueAdd(Obj, 'nothing', '', @JsonNull)
  jsValueAdd(Obj, 'name', 'WinBatch', @JsonStr)
  ; Can add pairs to child object before or after
  ; adding the child object to the parent.
  ChildObj = jsConNew()
  jsValueAdd(Obj, 'answer', ChildObj, @JsonObj)
  jsValueAdd(Obj, 'answer.everything', 42, @JsonNum)
  ; Arrays are added one element at a time.
  jsValueAdd(Obj, 'list', '', @JsonArr)
  jsValueAdd(Obj, 'list[0]', 1, @JsonNum)
  jsValueAdd(Obj, 'list[1]', 0, @JsonNum)
  jsValueAdd(Obj, 'list[2]', 2, @JsonNum)
  ; This time build the child object with pairs
  ; before adding to the parent object.
  ChildObj2 = jsConNew()
  jsValueAdd(ChildObj2, 'currency', 'USD', @JsonStr)
  jsValueAdd(ChildObj2, 'value', 42.99, @JsonNum)
  jsValueAdd(Obj, 'object', ChildObj2, @JsonObj)
  ; Get the result as text.
  JsonText = jsSerialize(Obj, @true)
  Message('Look Familiar?', JsonText)
See Also:

jsParse, jsConNew,jsValueType,jsValueGet