Extracts the text from a drop-down combo box.
cGetCBText( hwnd )
(i) hwnd ComboBox handle from a cWndBy... function.
(s) Combobox contents in a tab-delimited list.
This function is designed to extract the contents of a combobox, presumably so the contents may be examined to determine which item to set.
; Note: This example designed for Windows XP Run("rundll32.exe", "shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL Intl.cpl") WinWaitExist("Regional and Language Options", 5 ) window1=DllHwnd('Regional and Language Options') window2=cWndbyname(window1,`Regional Options~`) ControlHandle=cWndbyid(window2,1021) result=cGetCBText(ControlHandle) ;Gets text of all items in a ComboBox Message("ComboBox Text",StrReplace(result,@TAB,@CRLF)) ;TODO - Remove Message. Add code. Exit