Obtains the handle of a child window or control based on the window or control title.
cWndByName( hWnd, "ControlTitle")
(i) hWnd Handle of parent window.
(s) ControlTitle Title of window or control (without any &'s). Accepts a partial-window-name.
(i) Handle to the child window or control.
This function obtains the handle of a child window or control for use in subsequent operations. The first parameter, hWnd, is a handle obtained via one of these functions:
DllHwnd (See Main WIL documentation)
cWndInfo (some parameter values)
Note: cWndByName accepts 0 or "" as the first parameter, which is the handle of parent window. It will search all top-level windows for the second parameter instead of searching the child windows of parameter 1.
See "Partial Window Names" for a detailed explanation of the rules governing, partial window names.
;Note: This example designed for Window 95 Run("rundll32.exe", "shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL netcpl.cpl") netwnd=DllHwnd("Network") cfghwnd= cWndbyname(netwnd,"Configuration") lbWnd=cWndbyid(cfghwnd,404) response=cGetLbText(lbwnd) response=StrReplace(response,@TAB,@CRLF) Message("Response",response) Exit